Feel excited by the future
Futures insight and training for bright-side-of-lifers and creative rebels. You want an imaginative approach to ensuring relevance in the future? Come on in!
You know you need to be able to prepare, pivot and adapt to stay relevant. You’re smart. But perhaps you need someone with a creative, futures mindset to get you out of a funk? An inspiring guide (hello!) who energises you to imagine and create a brighter future for you, your business and the planet.
The future is bright, it’s not scary: it’s awesome, exciting and full of opportunity.
Let's shape it together :)
Your guide to the future

I’m a trends and insight consultant helping guide people and brands into the future. My research, training and presentations are all about provoking new perspectives, shifting mindsets and creating the energy and confidence so as a human or brand, you can step into the future with excitement and ease.
My Mastermind* subjects are the future of health, wellbeing and creativity, but whatever your subject, I'll use playful techniques to get you thinking imaginatively about all possible futures, and the roles you and your brand can play in them.
Straddling creativity and science, I combine 15 years of expertise in zeitgeist, human insight, future skills and physical training. I will guide, motivate and move you and your brand to become the strongest, most creative version of yourselves, ready and adaptable for the future.
*Mastermind - the epitome of brainy in the 1980's… British game show where contestants sat in big leather chair and were publicly quizzed on their knowledge of a very specialised subject i.e. ‘burial grounds in London’. It pays to be niche.
AKA investigative detective work: Mixed methods qualitative insight and rigorous desk research to identify your consumer’s wants and needs, and the evolving zeitgeist that contextualises it.
Nurturing a world of proactive, future-focused optimists: Learn foresight tools, amplify your creative thinking, and feel confident in your forecasts through this transformative, creative programme. Combining soft and hard skills, it shifts mindsets and up-skills you to think and work like a futurist, every day.
Provocative calls to action: Perspective shifting insights and ideas woven into stories that will disrupt your field of vision. Vibrant, energetic and encouraging, I highlight opportunities to inspire positive, successful and relevant change to your business.​